Congratulations to our 2023 Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition winners! These students represented Brooks County Schools at the Coastal Plains regional competittion.
Kindergarten - North Brooks Elementary School - Lily Wagner - Best Ever Time!
1st grade - Quitman Elementary School - Alice Petrella - The Smart Kittens
2nd grade - Quitman Elementary School - Judson Mitchell - It’s Winter
3rd grade - Quitman Elementary School - Maliyah Mobley - The Monkey
4th grade - Quitman Elementary School - Emerson Rados - The Huge Adventure of a Tiny
5th grade - North Brooks Elementary School - Layla Davis - A NightinGale’s Voice
6th grade - Brooks County Middle School - Zoey Kelley - Not a Picture
7th grade - Brooks County Middle School - Megan DeSantiago - The Creature Roams
8th grade - Brooks County Middle School - Chasity Lewis - Lady Capulet Narrative
9th grade - Brooks County High School - Alyssa Tillman - Plague
10th grade - Brooks County High School - Arianna Reddick - Excuses
11th grade - Delta Innovative School - Jador Clarke - Migraine Murders
12th grade - Brooks County High School - Vivian Lambert - A Mothers Love