City of Quitman Proclaims CTAE Month
Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) is a student centered program that fosters career inspiration in PreK, career awareness in elementary school, career visualization in middle school, and career preparation in high school as vital components of one’s educational career. Brooks County School’s CTAE program provides interdisciplinary and technical skills to every student focused on attaining the knowledge and abilities that businesses and industries desire for high-demand, high-skilled, high-wage occupations. CTAE programs integrate soft skills and hands on learning with connections to academic and STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts Math) curriculum.
Students are encouraged to pursue pathway completion: taking a sequence of courses in the same industry cluster. Upon completion of a pathway students are eligible to take an assessment leading to an industry recognized credential or certification (e.g., Certified Nursing Assistant, Microsoft Office Specialist, OSHA Certification). In addition, their participation in co-curricular student organizations (CTSO), and work-based learning enables them to leave high school with tangible marketable skills and documentation of their capabilities, as well as greater understanding of the college and career paths related to their chosen field. Students who graduate from high school after successfully completing a CTAE “Career Pathway” are equipped for immediate employment, post-secondary education, and life-long learning. In essence, students in CTAE are “college, career and workforce ready” - prepared to compete in the global marketplace. They are “Today’s Students, Tomorrow’s Workforce”.
The Association for Career and Technical Education designates February at CTAE month. On February 8, 2022, Quitman Mayor, Zinda McDaniel signed a proclamation designating CTAE Month in Quitman. Students from various CTSO (student CTAE clubs) were on hand for the event as well as Brooks County Schools Superintendent, Dr. Vickie Reed and Brooks County Schools CTAE Director who is the current president of the national level Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE). Mayor McDaniel is also a CTAE Teacher for Healthcare Science at Brooks County High School. Students in attendance were Reagan Chastain (Skills USA – Construction), Preston Welch (FFA), Ruby Ceja (FFA), Matthew Ferrell (FFA), Tymari Mobley (Skills USA – Healthcare), Jenny Vazquez (Skills USA- Healthcare), Tristan Wall (DECA), Emily Roberts (Skills USA-Healthcare), Johnathan Rhodes (Skills USA-Construction). After the signing of the proclamation, students took at tour of the new Lee & Pickels Drug Store. Students noted that each of their areas of CTAE is important in the building and operations of businesses such as a drug store. CTAE is an important part of the labor market and essential for everyday living.
Brooks County Schools offers Elementary Agriculture Education at all schools (QES, NBES, BCMS, BCHS, DIS). Additionally, BCMS offers Business & Technology and Engineering & Technology. Delta Innovative School offers middle school Business & Technology and Finance. Brooks County high school offers pathways in Agriculture Mechanics Systems, Forest Mechanical Systems, Forestry/Wildlife Systems, Plant and Landscape Systems/Horticulture, Animal Science, Audio Visual Technology and Film, Computer Science, Construction/Carpentry, Health Science, Marketing Management, Web & Digital Design, and Dual Enrollment programs through Wiregrass Technical College in Certified Nursing Assistant, Cosmetology/Barbering and Culinary Arts. Work Based Learning (WBL) opportunities are available at BCHS and DIS for students who have a CTAE Pathway.
Whereas, the Association for Career and Technical Education has designated February 1-28, 2022, as Career and Technical Education Month (i.e. Georgia's Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education); and
Whereas, Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education increases graduation rates and improves academic performance through meaningful experiences, thus improving the quality of their education, engaging students, preparing them for careers and post-secondary education, and giving all students leadership opportunities in their fields and in their communities; and
Whereas, profound economic and technological changes in our society are rapidly reflected in the structure and nature of work, thereby placing new and additional responsibilities on our educational system; and Whereas, Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education programs in the Brooks County School System in Quitman, Georgia have become a rigorous, progressive, and vital part of the total education system, which is committed to providing students with rewarding opportunities to learn valuable career and life skills; and
Whereas, Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education programs in the Brooks County School System in Quitman, Georgia are successfully partnering with business and industry to ensure students are equipped with the advanced communication, time management, and leadership skills required for lifelong career success; and
Whereas, Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education programs in the Brooks County School System in Quitman, Georgia are continually providing students with opportunities to gain invaluable work-based learning experiences through apprenticeships, internships, and cooperative education programs; and
Whereas, Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education programs in the Brooks County School System in Quitman, Georgia have shown a genuine commitment to preparing students for their “lives after high school” by providing them opportunities to earn career-ready diploma seals, explore their individual career options, gain industry-recognized credentials, and receive college credit; and
Whereas, Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education programs in the Brooks County School System in Quitman, Georgia provide equity and access for students from all socioeconomic backgrounds and academic ability levels preparing them for high-skills, high-wage, and in-demand careers; and
Whereas, the ever-increasing cooperative efforts of Career, Technical, and Agricultural educators with business and industry stimulate growth and vitality of our local economy and that of the entire nation by preparing graduates for career fields forecast to experience the largest and fastest growth in the next decade.
Therefore, be it resolved that I Zinda McDaniel, Mayor of the City of Quitman, do hereby proclaim February 1-28, 2022 as Career and Technical, and Agricultural Education Month in Quitman, Georgia and urge all citizens to become familiar with the services and benefits offered by the career, technical, and agricultural education programs in this community and to support and participate in these programs to enhance their individual skills and productivity.