Child Find Notice
In accordance with IDEA regulations, the Brooks County School System is in the process of locating, identifying, and evaluating children with disabilities to ensure that they receive the services to which they are entitled. Children and youth, age birth to 21, living in the Brooks County School District, who are suspected of having a disability, may be referred for a possible evaluation to determine if they are eligible for special education services. If you know a child with a disability that is not served or attends private or home school, please notify Bridgette Culpepper, Brooks County Schools, at 229-588-2340, or by email at bculpepper@brooks.k12.ga.us.
You may also choose to complete the form: https://forms.gle/DLghsYp2JSgop1hU7.
Georgia Special Needs Scholarship
Under Georgia Special Needs Scholarship (GSNS), passed by the Georgia General Assembly in 2007, parents of students who receive special education may choose to transfer their child to another public school or private school in Georgia. Certain conditions apply.
GaDOE Special Education Services and Supports
The Georgia Department of Education, Special Education Services and Supports, has parent support information that can be accessed on the Georgia DOE Special Education website.
Topics available include Information for Parents; Parent Mentor Partnerships; Parent Training and Information; Parent Rights, and a Parent Survey.