Students in Drama classes at Brooks County Middle School and Brooks County High School recently attended the Valdosta State University Theatre’s production of Polka Dots: The Cool Kids Musical! The play follows 8-year-old Lily Polkadot who just moved to the “Squares Only” small town of Rockaway. As the first Polkadot in an all Square school, Lily faces an almost impossible task of gaining acceptance from her peers. From daily bullying, to segregated drinking fountains, Lily’s quest seems hopeless until she meets Sky, a shy Square boy whose curiosity for her unique polkadot skin blooms into an unexpected pal-ship. Inspired by Civil Rights pioneers Ruby Bridges and The Little Rock Nine, Polkadots serves as a colorful history lesson for the world, reminding us that our differences make us awesome, not outcasts. The play was based on a book by Melvin Tunstall III, with lyrics and music by Douglas Lyons and Greg Borowsky.
Polka Dots featured brightly colored sets and costumes, as well as spirited musical numbers that conveyed a deeper message. “The students thoroughly enjoyed the play,” said Timothy Goins, Drama Teacher at BCHS. “It is so important for them to see and hear live theatre, and we hope to be able to attend more live productions with them,” he added. Following the play, Director Joe Mason and the cast spent time with the students in a question and answer session and a backstage tour. A total of 22 students attended, along with chaperones Mr. Goins, BCMS Drama Teacher Richell Hart, and District Fine Arts Coordinator Janie Jones.
The VSU Theatre trip will definitely prove beneficial as Drama classes from both schools are currently in rehearsals for spring shows. The BCHS Drama department will be presenting The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong, a comedy, on March 23, and BCMS Drama students will present the musical Disney’s Descendants on April 25. Both productions will be at the Brooks County Performing Arts Center. “We are so excited about our upcoming shows,” said Megan DeSantiago, BCMS Drama student and Descendants cast member. The BCMS cast will also have the opportunity to perform an excerpt from their show on April 12 at the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta, through the Jumpstart Musical Theatre Grant. The Jumpstart Grant also provides funding for instruction, staff development, and technical needs.
A special word of thanks goes to the family of the late Mrs. Sheri Carroll, who set up a Memorial Fund for the BCHS Theatre Department. “That made it possible for our students to have this trip. It is invaluable, hands-on learning for them,” said Mr. Goins. For more information about upcoming events, please contact Mr. Goins, Performing Arts Center Manager and Drama Director, at
Pictured are theatre students from Brooks County Middle School and Brooks County High School with the cast of Polka Dots: The Cool Kids Musical on the Sawyer Theatre stage at Valdosta State University February 4.