Mrs. Toler's 5th Grade classes took part in a book tasting this week. They joined Mrs. Wortman in the media center and were able to visit each "dinner" table to sample books and take notes in their menus. The students really "ate it up." They were so engaged and inspired that the 5th grade team treated their students to popsicles at recess to help motivate and reward them for their hard work!
over 1 year ago, North Brooks Elementary School
kids reading in the media center
kids reading in the media center
kids reading in the media center
kids reading in the media center
kids reading in the media center
kids reading in the media center
kids enjoying ice cream
kids enjoying ice cream
kids enjoying ice cream
kids enjoying ice cream
Fridays are for reading, writing, arithmetic, compost, aerobics and so much more! Learning is best when it's engaging and fun!
over 1 year ago, North Brooks Elementary School
North Brooks Kindergarten Kickoff, Wednesday, August 3rd from 1:00 to 2:00. Meet the kindergarten teachers, tour the school, and get ready for the first day of school!
over 1 year ago, North Brooks Elementary School
Thursday, August 3rd  1:00 - 2:00  North Brooks Elementary   Awan Cloud Icon cloud, clouds shape North Brooks  Kindergarten Kickoff   Meet the kindergarten teachers, tour the school, and get ready for the first day of school!
 Planet with Sprout Icon Green Grass Meadow Green Grass Meadow Meadow Silhouettes Meadow Silhouettes Summer Meadow Background Meadow Silhouettes Vector  Summer Meadow Background Field of Flower, Grass, and Butterflies Jueves, 3 De Agosto  1:00 - 2:00  Escuela Primaria North Brooks  Awan Cloud Icon Inicio De Kindergarten  North Brooks    Conozca a los maestros de kindergarten, recorra la escuela y prepárese para el  primer día de clases!
Trojans, the Open House Schedule and the School Supply Lists are available on the district website. We are looking forward to a great year with the #bestOfBrooks!
over 1 year ago, Brooks County School District
back to school documents:
Brooks County Schools wlil be closed on Monday in observance of Memorial Day.
over 1 year ago, Brooks County School District
Memorial Day
Brooks County Schools wlil be closed on Monday in observance of Memorial Day.
over 1 year ago, Brooks County School District
May 29
Feel free to stop by to pick up your student's report card if you have not received it already. Our front desk will be open this summer Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm for pickup. We hope everyone has a safe and relaxing summer vacation!
over 1 year ago, North Brooks Elementary School
NBES: We are excited for our students to show what they have learned this year through the Georgia Milestones Assessments! Here is the schedule for testing: Monday, 5/8: GMAS Pep Rally (3rd-5th) Tuesday, 5/9: ELA, Section 1 (3rd-5th) Wednesday, 5/10: ELA, Section 2 (3rd-5th) Thursday, 5/11: ELA, Section 3 (3rd-5th) Tuesday, 5/16: Math, Sections 1-2 (3rd-5th) Wednesday, 5/17: Science, Sections 1-2 (5th) Please make sure you come to school each day, arrive by 8:00, and get plenty of rest! Also, please leave all electronics (cell phones, tech watches, tablets, etc.) at home as they are not allowed in the testing areas. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, North Brooks Elementary
GMA Schedule
NBES will host our next School Council meeting Tuesday, May 2nd at 3:00 pm in the NBES Media Center.
almost 2 years ago, North Brooks Elementary School
We need your input! Join us @ the BC Public Library on Thursday, April 20th, from 5:30-6:30 to help us grow our district in the upcoming school year! Come Grow With Us will also have a special activity for the children & door prizes will be given away!
almost 2 years ago, Brooks County School District
April 20
Calling ALL Trojans! Please join us for our School Stakeholder Input Meeting on 4/18/23 at 4:45 at the JH Wells Center!
almost 2 years ago, Brooks County School District
Stakeholder Input
NBES: Save the Date! We will host Saturday Sessions on April 15h, 22nd, and 29th and on May 6th to further prepare students in grades 3-5 for the Georgia Milestones Assessments. Sign up forms will go home after spring break!
almost 2 years ago, North Brooks Elementary
sat school
sat school
NBES: We will have Spring Pictures on Thursday, 3/14/23. Orders can be placed online. If you are sending money, you will need to send the correct amount; we cannot make change. Checks are acceptable and need to be made out to BPI. Picture day order forms, Field Day t-shirt order forms, and Elementary Ag Day permission slips are all being sent home today. Please check your child's folder or backpack. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, North Brooks Elementary
Spring Pics
Help us spread the word! It's important that we all obey the law when it comes to stopping when a school bus is stopped.
almost 2 years ago, Brooks County School District
NBES, Next week we are celebrating Read Across America week! We will have dress up days and a family reading night on Thursday. Flyers are going home with students today and tomorrow. Monday: Messy Hair Monday Tuesday: Top Hat Tuesday Wednesday: Wacky Sock Wednesday Thursday: Twin Thursday Friday: Spirit Friday
almost 2 years ago, North Brooks Elementary
Read Across America
Read Across America
Enjoy your long weekend, Trojans! We will see everyone back on Wednesday - February 22.
almost 2 years ago, Brooks County School District
Our 2023-24 school calendar has been approved by our Board of Education members. You can access the calendar on website by clicking here:
almost 2 years ago, Brooks County School District
We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow evening! All parents and community members are invited to attended.
about 2 years ago, Brooks County School District
Have a great weekend, Trojans!
about 2 years ago, Brooks County School District
Please join us as we begin planning our goals and initiatives for our strategic plan!
about 2 years ago, Brooks County School District