Our annual Title I Parent Night will be held via an email recording. Parents may access the recorded meeting by clicking this link:

Title I Annual Parent Night: September 12, 2024

After you have watched the Title I Annual Parent Night, please click this link to document your attendance:


Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) Georgia School Grades Reports

This website provides school reports for all public elementary, middle, and high schools in Georgia. These reports include useful information about the school, such as performance on statewide assessments, the make-up of the school’s student body, the graduation rate, and additional academic information.


The faculty and staff at each school recognizes that a child's education is a responsibility shared by the school and family during the entire period the child spends in school. To support the goal of the school to educate all students effectively, the school and parents must work as knowledgeable partners. Although parents are diverse in culture, language, and needs, they share the school's commitment to the educational success of their children.


North Brooks Elementary welcomes and encourages parents to be a partner in their child's education. Resources to help your child academically succeed are available at the school for check-out.

The benefits of being involved?

For children:

  • They perform better on standardized tests

  • Earn better grades

  • Feel better about themselves and about school

  • Have good social skills

  • Continue their education after high school

For Parents:

  • Have a closer and more enjoyable relationship with your child

  • Understand your child better

  • Identify and resolve problem behaviors sooner

  • Feel more confident in your parental role and in making decisions for the family.

  • Important Documents


In compliance with the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act, the Brooks County School District would like to inform you that you may request information about the professional qualifications of your student’s teacher(s) and/or paraprofessional(s). The following information may be requested:

Whether the student’s teacher:

- Has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which they provide instruction.

- Is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.

- Is teaching in the field of discipline of their certification.

- Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.

If you wish to request information concerning your child’s teacher’s and/or paraprofessional’s qualifications, please contact the Human Resource Director, Ross New, at (229) 588-2340.

Updated 8.1.2024