Bus routes are getting shorter! Check our Facebook page or our website to enter your address to see if your route and pick up location has changed

Due to the continued inclement weather, it may be difficult for buses to travel safely down our dirt roads. We will need for students to be at the nearest paved road for morning pick up on Thursday. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation.

Due to continuing inclement weather, some unpaved roads may be inaccessible to our buses. Please plan to have your child at the nearest paved road for pickup tomorrow morning.

Brooks County Schools’ Bus 50 is running a few minutes late. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Find My Bus Stop is now available on our website! Go to www.brooks.k12.ga.us and click Explore. Then select Find My Bus Stop under the Quick Links section.

Due to communication upgrades, our telephone numbers have changed! Click on the attached image, check our News Story on the website, or check our social media pages for the new listings.

2017 Trojan Football season ticket holders may repurchase their seats from July 24-26 from 1:00-4:00 at BCHS. All other seats may be purchased from July 31-August 4 from 1:00-4:00.

Supply lists for all schools have been posted on our webpage in the Documents folder and have posted on all Facebook pages.

Literacy Task Force meeting on Thursday. Join us at 9:00 a.m.

Make a note of our new telephone number!

FCA Camp for boys and girls (ages 6- 14) from 8:00-12:30 on May 30&31. $10 includes t-shirt, Bible, and lunch both days. Location is Brooks County High School.

Early dismissal today! Check our website under the "News" tab for the dismissal times at each school.

Join us this morning at 9:00 a.m. for the 8th grade Promotion Ceremony at Brooks County Middle School.

Quitman Elementary is hosting a Blood Drive on Friday May 25th from 9 am - 3 pm. All donors will be entered to win a TUNDRA 50 YETI cooler.

Registration for rising Kindergarten students for the Summer Transition Program at the Early Learning Center is today from 8:30-3:30. Transportation, breakfast & lunch provided.Call 263-7531 for more information.

Congratulations to the Delta Innovative School’s graduating class of 2018! We wish you the best!

Be sure to check our events section on our webpage. We have lots of great things going on this week!

The Brooks County Food Processing Plant will be closed for the season because of maintenance needs and relocation. The Plant will reopen in June 2019. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Summer Transition Program registration has been scheduled for May 23rd and May 25th!

Brooks County Schools will have early dismissal on May 24th.