Quitman Elementary Goals


ELA Goal FY25

During the 2024-2025 school year, QES will increase the percentage of students scoring “On or Above Grade Level” on the Acadience Assessment. The specific goals are to move Kindergarten - from 22% to 32%, 1st Grade - from 44% to 54%, and 2nd Grade- from 48% to 58% 

During the 2024-2025 school year, QES will increase the percentage of students scoring “On or Above Grade Level” on the Acadience Assessment. The specific goals are to to move  3rd Grade - from 44% to 54%, 4th Grade - from 44% to 54%, and 5th Grade - from 37% to 47% 

Math Goal FY25

During the 2024-2025 school year, QES will increase the percentage of students scoring “On or Above Grade Level” on the iReady Math diagnostic assessment. The specific goals are to move Kindergarten - from 2% to 45%, 1st Grade – from 5% to 40%, 2nd Grade - from 5% to 40% 

During the 2024-2025 school year, QES will increase the number of students scoring a Level II, III, and IV by 3% on the Math portion of the Georgia Milestones Assessment System. 

Science Goal FY25

During the 2024-2025 school year, 5th grade will increase the number of students scoring a Level II, III, and IV by 3% on the Science portion of the Georgia Milestones Assessment System