Quitman Elementary School
2200 Moultrie Rd
Quitman, GA 31643
Ph: 229.588.2343
Fax: 229.262.3280
Enrollment: 575
Grades: K - 5th
Principal: Dr. Cisco Diaz
Asst. Principal: Mrs. Hilda Miles
Asst. Principal: Mr. Josh Price
Academic Coach: Mrs. Shonta Melton
Counselor: Mrs. Detra Jones
Quitman Elementary School opened its doors in 1992 as this county’s largest elementary school and still remains the largest elementary school in our system. There are currently 46 certified teachers on staff, three administrators, one technology specialist, a counselor, an academic coach, a nurse, and 10 classified paraprofessionals that work diligently each day with our students. Our janitorial team has five members and our cafeteria crew has ten team players. Our school serves a population of approximately 570 students, kindergarten through grade 5. We are a diverse community of learners with a wide range of backgrounds and income levels. Quitman Elementary is one of sixTitle One schools in our system. We also have our ECHOES after school program. Over one hundred students receive additional tutoring and small group help through this program. Gifted and talented services, as well as special education services, are offered to all qualifying students. At QES students are engaged in enrichment and interventions, based upon their own individual formative data, in order to grow academically. Please view school as a priority, and see to it that your child attends every day except in cases of illness or emergency. Students learn by example; that is, if parents value education and educational routines, their child may very well do the same.
ALL Schools in this district participate in CEP (Community Eligibility Provision). This Means that All students in the Brooks County Schools eat at no cost.