BCMS Virtual Students: This message is for you. Check Google Classroom for updates on our plan for accessing your learning tasks for Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading, & Writing.
Some important dates to remember!
BCMS: Please check out our latest installment of The Hammer TImes by clicking this link: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1101277/Feb2021.pdf
BCMS: We really want to build up our book collection in the media center. If you are a virtual learner and have a book from last school term, would you please drop it in the book drop in front of BCMS? We would really appreciate it!
BCMS: Virtual students' report cards will be emailed to parents/guardians on Friday, January 29, 2021. Thank you for your patience. Grades are available now through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal if you would like to view your student's first semester averages.
BCMS: Report cards were sent home with our face to face students today. Please direct any questions to your child's teachers through Class Dojo! (January 28, 2021)
Due to inclement weather and road conditions, we will not have ECHOES this afternoon. We plan to resume our normal schedule tomorrow.
The dentist is coming to school! You can sign up at www.MySchoolDentist.com! Please contact Nurse Harrell at extension 5503 if you have specific questions.
BCMS Parents and Students!! Important Message from the BCMS Nurse! If you have recently been notified by the BCMS school nurse on expired immunizations for your student, the BC Health Department will be open on Saturday, January 23rd from 9am to 1pm to give the needed vaccinations. Please call the Health Department and schedule a time for that day. Those who will most likely need updated immunizations are our current seventh graders or students who have transferred from out-of-state.If you have any questions on your middle school student’s need for immunizations, please call the Brooks County Middle School Nurse at (229) 588-2342 ext. 5503. After January 23rd, due to the need to deliver the Covid-19 vaccinations, immunizations and other essential services at the BCHD will not be available until February 9th and every Tuesday morning thereafter, so please take advantage of THIS Saturday opportunity!
BCMS: It's that time of year when we start the registration process and begin building your first official high school schedule! In the next few weeks, you will be choosing your elective classes and getting ready to transition from 8th to 9th grade. So check out this list, preview your core classes, and get ready to choose your electives! We can't wait to see you shine as the BCHS Class of 2025!
BCMS: As we approach the end of the grading period (1/22/21), it is important to be sure all classwork has been submitted for each class. Watch this video to learn how you can check your student's work in Google Classroom. This is applicable to all students, both virtual and face to face.
BCMS: If you have not completed your Reading Inventory midyear diagnostic, there is still time for you to check this off your To Do List. If you need help with your login information, please reach out to Mr. Giddens, Ms. Miley, Mrs. Howard, or Mrs. Hadley (your Reading teacher). To access the diagnostic, you will need this link: http://bit.ly/bcmsri
BCMS: It's that time of year where we are diligently seeking to determine how much our students have grown since the beginning of the school year. Please check to be sure your reading and math diagnostics are complete in iReady and Reading Inventory. Reach out to your Reading or Math teacher if you need clarification! #bringTheHammer
Please use this link to read a letter from Dr. Vickie Reed, Superintendent of Brooks County Schools:
Please use this link to read a letter from Dr. Vickie Reed, Superintendent of Brooks County Schools:
BCMS: The January 2021 edition of The Hammer Times is now available for your reading pleasure! We are looking forward to seeing our students on Tuesday, January 5th!
BCMS: Join us in our December House Competition! Help us prepare for the upcoming Christmas parade by bringing in an EMPTY box wrapped in your favorite holiday paper. Wrapped presents will earn points for your house! All you must do is bring in the empty box and turn it in to Mrs. Lee to collect your points. Wrapped boxes will be accepted Tuesday - Thursday! #thisIsOurHouse
BCMS: Picture Makeup Day is Friday, 11/13/20. If you ordered school pictures, you can check your email for the proof. Please contact chiers@brooks.k12.ga.us if you have any concerns with your picture proof. Virtual students, please report 9:00 - 10:00, to the BCMS gym to have your photo taken.
BCMS: Report Cards were distributed to face to face students today and emailed to all virtual students. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher. Virtual students may reach out via email, bcmsvirtual@brooks.k12.ga.us.
Check out the September/October PBIS Newsletter: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1002161/PBIS_Sept_Oct_Newsletter.pdf.