BCMS: Our yearbooks are in! Please see Mrs. Hiers to pay your $20 and get your book filled with memories of a great school year! A limited number of yearbooks were ordered, so please be sure you don't wait until the last minute to grab yours!
over 3 years ago, Beth Lee
BCMS: Please remember that face-to-face students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m., Monday - Friday of this week. Please arrive by 8:00 a.m. and report directly to your homeroom class. Virtual students should arrive at 12:00 p.m. for GMAS testing; please enter the building through the front office. Seventh and eighth grade students will begin testing on Monday, and sixth grade students will begin testing on Wednesday.
over 3 years ago, Beth Lee
Testing Update, BCMS
BCMS: Due to unforeseen circumstances, sixth grade GMAS testing has been postponed to Wednesday, 5/19/21; this is for both face-to-face and virtual learners. Sixth graders will take ELA Part I on Wednesday, ELA Parts II and III on Thursday, and Math on Friday.
over 3 years ago, Beth Lee
BCMS: Our virtual presentation of Honors Night can be viewed from Youtube by clicking the link: https://youtu.be/fUTGoKkr9XU.
over 3 years ago, Beth Lee
BCMS Honors Night 2020-2021
BCMS: Mrs. Rickards is ready to begin inventorying books in our media center. Please remember there is a drop box in front of the school that you can use to return any media center materials you have in your belonging.
over 3 years ago, Beth Lee
BCMS Eighth Graders: Please be sure to review your BCHS Course Selection Approval Form and return it to your homeroom teacher by Friday, 4/30/21. Virtual students, please check your email or text messages; we have shared your form with you via email or text.
over 3 years ago, Beth Lee
BCHS Course Approval
BCMS: This is a reminder that we will host an informational meeting at 6:00 tonight for anyone interested in joining BCMS TORCH during the 2021-2022 term. Please check our BCMS TORCH Facebook page for information on joining us on Google Meet for this virtual meeting.
over 3 years ago, Beth Lee
BCMS: Attention 8th grade families - please be sure that you have read the letter regarding the end of year promotion ceremony. The letter should be signed and returned by Friday, April 23, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Beth Lee
Promotion Ceremony Information
BCMS: Please note that we will administer the GMAS for students in sixth - eighth grades 5/14-5/21/21. Traditional students will be dismissed at 11:30 on May 17 - May 21 to allow for virtual students to attend the afternoon testing sessions. Please examine the image for detailed information.
almost 4 years ago, Beth Lee
GMAS Schedule
BCMS: We will host a Blood Drive on Friday, 4/16/21, from 9:00 - 2:00. Our goal is to collect at least 20 blood donations. Stop by and give the gift of life and earn a token of appreciation for your donation. If you have any questions, you can reach us at 229-588-2342.
almost 4 years ago, Beth Lee
BCMS Blood Drive
Spring Break and Meal Service Information: https://www.brooks.k12.ga.us/article/429918
almost 4 years ago, Brooks County School District
BCMS: Applications for the BCMS TORCH program are available on the district website. Applications will be accepted through Friday, April 30th. Please help us spread the word. We are looking for students who are eager to #lightThePath in our TORCH program! #bringTheHammer
almost 4 years ago, Beth Lee
BCMS: Virtual students who will return to face-to-face instruction on Wed., 3/24/21, should report to the media center after entering the building from the bus ramp. Please be sure to bring your device and charger with you when you return so that you have something to use in class.
almost 4 years ago, Beth Lee
Virtual Student Return
BCMS: We are trying something new - - follow our online parent resource room on Pinterest! If you can think of something that would help you support your students, please send us a message, and we will work on adding that resoure to our digital parent resource room! https://www.pinterest.com/BCMSresources
almost 4 years ago, Beth Lee
BCMS Pinterest Page
BCMS: Don't forget, tomorrow, 3/11/21, is a half day for our students. Dismissal will begin at 11:30. Teachers will host parent conferences throughout the afternoon via Google Meet or face to face based on parent preference.
almost 4 years ago, Beth Lee
Early Dismissal Day
BCMS: Mrs. Freeman will host a Parent Input Meeting tonight at 6:00 pm. Please join us to share your input on the GMAS Testing Schedule and the 2021-2022 School Calendar. The meeting will be held in the BCMS cafeteria to allow for social distancing. We look forward to seeing you and getting your input! Please enter the cafeteria from the back of the school.
almost 4 years ago, Beth Lee
Principal & Parents Meeting
BCMS: We have published the latest edition of The Hammer Times and invite you to explore this month's issue as we aim to #readMoreBrooks! To access the newsletter, click the link: https://www.smore.com/1kc5j
almost 4 years ago, Beth Lee
The Hammer Times
BCMS: Mrs. Freeman will host a Parent Input Meeting on Tuesday, March 2nd at 6:00 pm. Please join us to share your input on the GMAS Testing Schedule and the 2021-2022 School Calendar. The meeting will be held in the BCMS gymnasium to allow for social distancing. We look forward to seeing you and getting your input!
almost 4 years ago, Beth Lee
Parent Meeting
BCMS: Virtual Students, please be sure that you have logged into Odysseyware and completed your work for the day. Also, your goal is 45 minutes in i-Ready each week. If you have questions, please contact your homeroom teacher.
almost 4 years ago, Beth Lee
BCMS Virtual Reminder
BCMS Virtual Learners: Please view this graphic for a step by step list of how to access your lessons in Odysseyware for Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies. If you have questions or concerns, please email bcmsvirtual@brooks.k12.ga.us.
almost 4 years ago, Beth Lee
OW Login Steps