The BCMS Lady Trojans Soccer Team plays tonight @ Cairo 4:00 pm. Good luck ladies!
Dental forms were sent home with your students either yesterday or today. If you would like your student to be seen on the Dental Bus at BCMS, please return the forms by this Friday, February 18, 2022.
BCMS Baseball game tonight at home against Georgia Christian. Come support the team at 4:30 pm tonight!
From our BCMS family to yours, we hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day filled with lots of love!
Drop Off & Pick Up for the Valentine's Dance TONIGHT: Please do not park in the gym parking lot to pick up or drop off students. Please get in line like you would for car riders and follow the side walk around and into the gym parking lot while staying in a line. Drop off/pick up students next to the awning covered sidewalk in the gym parking lot. Thank you for your help trying to keep these times flowing smoothly!
The Class of 2036 is getting ready to head off to all kind of places! Help us spread the word and invite others to join us for registration:
Starting for the 2022-2023 school year, the GAC-Rule-160-5-1-.18 for Middle School Sports will be enforced. This rule states:
Students participating in competitive interscholastic activities shall pass a minimum of 70% of courses carrying credit toward grade promotion in the semester immediately preceding participation.
This means if a student did not pass 4 out of 5 of his/her academic classes for the 2021-2022 spring semester (January-May), he/she will be ineligible to play fall (August-December) sports for the 2022-2023 school year. This will be checked at the beginning of every semester.
Parents and Guardians: Please help BCMS with the use of cell phones while at school. We want students to be focused on their education while they are here, and the cell phones are becoming major distractions as well as causing much conflict between the students. We want our students happy, healthy and learning while at school. We appreciate your help and support!
The Valentine's Day Dance is THIS SATURDAY! See details below. Also, students can purchase candy grams throughout the week to be given out on Monday.
This Friday, February 11th from 2:00-2:45 pm, BCMS students will have a PBIS Celebration. All students who have not had any major office discipline referrals since the start of the 3rd nine weeks will get to attend. Students can buy treats for $1/piece. #levelupBCMS
REMINDER: the BCMS Junior BETA Induction Ceremony will be tomorrow night, Wednesday, February 9th @ 6:00 pm in the BCMS Cafeteria. Please park in the gym parking lot in the back of the school. All are welcome!
Attention parents and guardians: All BCMS students must be accompanied by you to all sporting events. BCMS students will not be admitted without their parent/guardian with them, and the students must stay with their parents/guardians throughout the event. Thank you!
Reminder about Film Viewing Field Trip at the PAC tomorrow for all grades. If you do not want your student to attend, email to opt out. Students with any referrals since January 18th will not be allowed to attend. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Parents- ALL BCMS students (unless they have received a referral since January 18th) will be riding a bus to the Performing Arts Center THIS Tuesday, February 8th in the morning to watch the premiere of the film The Bureau of Community Center Operations, which was produced during the Summer ECHOES Film Camp in June of 2021. Please email if you want your student to OPT OUT of going to the performance.
TWIN DAY is this WEDNESDAY, February 2nd, 2022, in honor of it being 2.2.22. Let's have some fun and dress like a twin with someone.
Brooks County Middle School's Jr. Beta Induction will be Wednesday, February 9th from 6-7 pm in the BCMS Cafeteria. Students being inducted will also bring home invites to the event.
The Blood Bus will be at BCMS THIS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1st from 8:30-1:30. Please consider donating blood and saving a life! You can make your appointment at and use sponsor code #22257.
BCMS is gearing up for the upcoming season of love- a.k.a. February. Candy grams and a Valentine's Dance are scheduled!
Tomorrow is the last day to give Mrs. Hiers $15 to attend the trip to Brooks County's PAC on Monday to see some real actors and drama. Open to all 7th and 8th graders!!!
On Monday, January 31st, 2022, Chamber Theatre Productions will visit the Brooks Co Performing Arts Center; this will take place during the school day. This is open to any 7th or 8th grader who wants to attend; he or she must not have any major office discipline referrals and must be passing all of his/her classes. You must have $15 and the permission slip turned in to Mrs. Hiers by the end of the day on Thursday, January 27.