Your student can help his/her grades by completing BLUE RIBBONS on STUDY ISLAND. See below for more details!
Mr. Hiers and the Bass Fishing Club took to the water this afternoon! Take a look at what these students reeled in! #LevelingUp at its finest!
Mrs. Howard’s ELA TORCH students played Twister to review for the upcoming ELA milestone. One day wasn’t enough for the kiddos! They demanded a second day of fun review! That’s what you call #LevelingUp!
Parents! Georgia Milestones is just 2 days away! Here is the schedule for GMAS testing week! Encourage your students to get a goodnight of rest, eat breakfast and get to school on time!
Ms. Boyette’s is ready for Summer to get here! They created sea turtles using oil pastels in art!
Ms. Boyette’s class has been hard at work today helping BCMS prepare for Georgia Milestones that is coming up next week! We love when our students lend a helping hand!
BCMS is surely blessed with the best! We are so appreciative of these fabulous ladies! Happy Administrative Assistant Day to these extraordinary women: Ms. Reynolds, Mrs. Seals, and Ms. Larkins! We couldn’t #LevelUp without you!
Please attend an information meeting for the upcoming Washington DC trip if you have paid to attend.
This past Friday, BCMS Drama students had the opportunity to perform at the Chamber Theater in Atlanta! The BCMS Fame did an outstanding job and really #LeveledUp with their performance! We are so proud of our students and the amazing work they did to put on this performance! A special shout-out to Mrs. Janie Jones, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Eagleton, and Mrs. Lewis for supporting our young performers!
BCMS Boys Basketball tryouts start this week!
Congratulations to these young ladies for making the 2022-2023 BCMS Lady Trojans Basketball Team!
Congratulations to the following ladies on making the Middle School Volleyball Team!
There will be a parent meeting on Monday at 6:00PM in the BCHS Cafe.
8th grade Parents! A Promotion Ceremony Letter was attached to your child’s 4th 9 Weeks Progress Report!
If your child is currently not passing 1 or more of their classes for the year, they still have time to do so!
4th 9 Weeks Progress Reports went home today! Important important was also attached regarding Georgia Milestones!
Attention Parents! Georgia Milestones is quickly approaching! Please check out the testing schedule below for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students!
BCMS is blessed with the best! We are so thankful for these two hardworking, amazing ladies! Ms. Inman and Ms. Gray ALWAYS Level Up to make our school safe, engaging, and fun! Congratulations to our March Golden Hammer Recipients!
Laila Griffin was nominated for the March BCMS Student of the Month by her teachers! Laila always Brings the Hammer academically! She is always willing to lend a helping hand and ready to share a smile! We are so proud of Laila- congratulations!
Attention ALL rising 6th-8th grade girls! Tryouts begin on Tuesday, April 19th!
Make sure to check out the important events BCMS has coming up next week!
Flamingo Friday’s fun has begun! It always nice to have a little treat to start a Friday! We love BCMS!