Tastee Treats will visit the middle school THIS FRIDAY, November 4th during lunch. All students are welcome to purchase a Tastee Treat!
Come out to the Fall Festival this weekend hosted by our BCHS Beta Club.
BCMS Picture Day is NEXT WEEK on Friday, November 4th. The link for parents to order is https://vando.imagequix.com/g1000973696.
BCMS will celebrate Red Ribbon Week starting this Thursday, October 27th. Below are our "dress-up" days to support students saying no to drugs.
We have a few Trojan T-Shirts left for sale. All t-shirts are $10. Contact mlewis@brooks.k12.ga.us to order or send your student to the front office with payment.
Come join us for our Thanksgiving Lunch on Wednesday, November 16th! Please return the below form to the front office with payment by November 9th.
Please read the below graphic for information about BCMS students attending sporting events.
Please see below about information concerning morning tardies starting next week.
BCMS Homecoming Dance this Friday during school!!!
BCMS: The Day of Unity is this Wednesday, October 19th, where we celebrate kindness, acceptance and inclusion. Wear orange on Wednesday to celebrate this day!!
BCMS Baseball Tryouts!
Don't forget to wear ALL of your Trojan Gear and bring your shades to help us "Shade Out the Rebels!" for the BCMS Championship Football Game tomorrow! (Sunglasses to be worn during pep rally and game only please.)
Don't miss our BCMS Spirit Night at Recoil this week!
Don't miss out tomorrow- we would love to see everyone there!
Enjoy your day! See you tomorrow!
Let's show our love for our BCMS Trojan Football Team as they battle Berrien County for the Championship !!! Fill the stands for the championship game!
Tastee Treats will be here on Friday during lunch!
Our BCMS Spirit Night at Recoil in Valdosta has been rescheduled! We would love to see tons of people there sporting their Brooks Co gear!
Come support the BCMS Trojan Football Team as they LEVEL UP against Macon County tomorrow for semi-finals! Game starts at 5:00 pm at Veteran's Stadium!
Our third installment of Coffee & Conversations will be held on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, from 8:30-9:30, in the Engage Books room at the J.H. Well Center. This is a chance to speak with principals on pressing issues in education and at the schools. We would love to see you there!