Trojan Fans, It is almost time for basketball season. Get ready to pack the house. Mark your calendars for hoop action.
Congratulations to the Lady Trojans Basketball team members!
Brooks County Fans, this Friday night, October 29th we have two special events for our football game vs. Turner County Titans:
1. It is Senior Night, come support our senior football players, cheerleaders, band, and auxiliary members.
2. It will be a PINKOUT, so wear your pink and Bring That Hammer to Cancer!
Congratulations to the BCHS Trojans. We are so proud of your hard work in the classroom during the first nine weeks. Keep bringing that hammer and building your knowledge!
The BCHS Student Government and PBIS Team took the time out today to say THANK YOU to our entire faculty and staff with a sweet Fall Treat. #DoYourJob #BCHSP.R.I.D.E.
Join us for Lights on After School with ECHOES
BCHS ECHOES Parent Interest and Orientation Session
The Transportation Department is hosting a Commercial Drivers License class on October 2nd and 3rd. Please contact Jim Goodson at 229-263-3026 if you have any questions. Training will take place at the Brooks County Board of Education.
BCHS will host a blood drive on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 from 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM. See the attached flyer for donor requirements. See you there!
Good Morning BCHS families! Please see the flier on our website and Facebook page, which should provide clarity on our dress code. Parents please help us make sure students are in compliance when they arrive to school. Thank you!
Today, August 23, 2021, was the deadline for 11th grade students to have their vaccine forms submitted to the school. If your 11th gader has not had his/her required 11th grade meningococcal vaccine, he/she cannot attend school until vaccines have been administered and you have turned in the proper form to the school.
Good morning! Please do not miss the chance to show your Trojan Pride and order at least one of our t-shirts! #GoTrojans!
Calling all Trojan Fans! Our football team will be bringing that hammer in Thomasville, GA against the Bulldogs tonight at 8 pm. You can view the action here:
Back to School information can be found on the 2021-2022 Back to School page! Click this link to access school supply lists, open house information, transportation information and more:
Attention Senior and Junior work-based learning students! There are several paid media center aid positions (work-based learning) for the 2021-2022 school year. Please contact Mrs. Hubert via email or in person at the BCHS media center.
Be sure to check out our 2021-2022 page on our website. This page houses all the information you need for the upcoming school year: school calendar, supply lists, open house information, student orientations, and registration information. Be sure to check out the transportation section of the page. You can find the page under Quick Links on our website or use this direct link:
April 1, 2021
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Effective July 1, 2021, children 16 years of age and older, who are entering the 11th grade (including new entrants), must have received one booster dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4), unless their initial dose was administered on or after their 16th birthday.
Meningococcal disease is a serious bacterial illness that affects the brain and the spinal cord. Meningitis can cause shock, coma and death within hours of the first symptoms.
If your teen has not been vaccinated against meningococcal disease, we strongly recommend getting your 11th grader, aged 16 years or older, vaccinated before starting the 2021-2022 school year. Getting MCV4 (meningococcal conjugate vaccine) now will not only help protect your child against the ongoing threat of meningitis, it will also meet the new school entry requirement.
Ask your pediatrician or local health department about other shots your child may need including:
• the human papillomavirus (HPV) series
• the tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis shot (Tdap or Td booster)
• an annual flu vaccine; and
• catch-up immunizations, including chickenpox, MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and hepatitis B.
If your child does not have health insurance or their health plan won’t cover these vaccines, call your local health department and ask about getting no cost or low cost vaccines. For more information, visit or call (800) 848-3868.
Kathleen E. Toomey, M.D., M.P.H.
Commissioner & State Health Officer
1 de abril de 2021
Estimado padre o tutor:
A partir del 1 de julio de 2021, los niños de más de 16 años de edad que entren al 11mo. grado (incluidos los de primer ingreso) deberán haber recibido una dosis de refuerzo de la vacuna conjugada contra el meningococo (MCV4), a menos que les hayan puesto la primera dosis al cumplir 16 años.
La enfermedad por meningococo es una enfermedad bacteriana grave que afecta el cerebro y la médula espinal. La meningitis puede causar un estado de shock, coma y la muerte en pocas horas luego de aparecer los primeros síntomas.
Si su adolescente no se ha vacunado contra la enfermedad por meningococo, le recomendamos enfáticamente que lleve a su alumno de 11mo. grado de más de 16 años a vacunarse antes del inicio del año escolar 2021-2022. El hecho de que se pongan ahora el refuerzo de la MCV4 no solo ayuda a proteger a los alumnos de la amenaza actual de meningitis, sino que también les permitirá cumplir con el requisito de nuevo ingreso a la escuela.
Pregunte a su pediatra o al departamento de salud local sobre otras vacunas que su hijo(a) pueda necesitar, como:
∙ la serie de vacunas contra el virus del papiloma humano (HPV)
∙ la vacuna contra el tétanos, la difteria y la tos ferina (refuerzo de la Tdap o la Td) ∙ una vacuna anual contra la gripe; y
∙ las vacunas atrasadas, como la de la varicela, la del sarampión, paperas y rubeola (MMR) y la de la hepatitis B.
Si su hijo(a) no tiene seguro médico o si su plan no cubre estas vacunas llame a su departamento de salud local y pregunte cómo puede conseguirlas gratis o a un costo bajo. Si desea más información, ingrese a o llame al (800) 848- 3868.
Dra. Kathleen E. Toomey, M.D., M.P.H.
Comisionada y Directora de Salud del Estado
High School Students
Looking for something fun and engaging for the summer? Join ECHOES Summer Film Camp. Complete the google form to sign up.
See the promotional video for more information:
BCHS: ALL Chromebooks are due back, Tuesday, May 25th by dismissal at 11:15. This is for traditional and virtual students. If your device is not turned in by tomorrow, an obligation will be placed on your account. You will not be able to pick up your report card, get your schedule, or access Parent/Student Infinite Campus Portal. Thank you!
Students who are interested in work based learning opportunities for next school year should contact Mr. Akers at 305-0052 or stop by Room C302 at BCHS.